Selasa, 07 Juni 2011

Emerging Church & Presbyterians Align with CHRISLAM Religion

by Rev. Austin Miles

The off-base Emerging Church is encouraging pastors to embrace an ecumenical concept of combining Christianity and Islam, actually partnering with Islam, to launch a new religion called…Chrislam—which would combine the two. So far, they have managed to gather 130 Christian leaders who collectively state that Muslims and Christians worship the same God. No they do not!  Allah was the Arabic name for a higher power, or a god. Mohammed ‘s god was Allilah, the moon god which conveniently became the generic name for a god, Allah. This is why a crescent moon and star is on the flag of Islam and mosques. Let this be clear.

In a disturbing account of this new movement, Debra Rae in her column released today (1/22/11) on News With Views, titled “The Lost Art Of Critical Thinking,” writes; “Recently, the Memorial Drive Presbyterian Church, Houston, joined Christian communities in Atlanta, Seattle, and Detroit to encourage “ecumenical reconciliation” between Christianity and Islam. Theirs was a celebration of a sort of worldview potpourri mixing together elements of Christianity and Islam. Predictably called Chrislam, this brand of ecumenicalism qualifies both the Bible and the Qur’an as holy texts.” Hence, in a show of equal authenticity, Qur’ans were positioned in pews next to Bibles.”(Read more)

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